Monday, April 22, 2013

There are so many things I have learned from this experience. One of those things is how important volunteers are to Habitat. Every day I have been on the construction site, there have been more volunteers than anyone else. This week is National Volunteer Week; a time to be thankful for the amazing things volunteers do for families like mine.

I am extremely grateful for all the volunteers I have met during this adventure of building my house. There is one in particular, though, that stands out in my mind because of his constant presence and uplifting personality. His name is Ed Lindler. He was there the first day I volunteered, and has been there every other time since. He volunteers for the program at least 4 days a week. To me, that is amazing! He is retired and instead of sitting at home, or golfing, he is working almost as much as when he got paid for it! He also helps with the Mobile Meals program and with several church ministries.

I think God uses Ed to help families through the program as well. He is always asking me how many sweat equity hours I have. He tells me, “Just keep whittling away at them,” to keep getting a few hours here and there so I can finally be done, and in my new home. I don’t know if he realizes how much those words of constant encouragement mean to families. It keeps me going.

So I just want to say thank you to all of the awesome volunteers, including Ed Lindler, for making this experience of receiving a new home a possibility.

Monday, April 8, 2013

These past few months have been such a whirlwind. Sometimes I wonder if I’m taking enough time to enjoy all the awesome things that are happening. In the middle of this chaotic time there has been a day I have been looking forward to. The building and putting up walls is a big day in building a house. It takes a stack of concrete and turns it into a building. I know God has been with me on this whole journey, but I cannot thank him enough for the blessing he gave me Saturday.


My schedule has been so booked lately; I didn’t even realize the walls of my house were going up the same day I planned on running (or walking, for the most part) my first 5K. Both were important to me. Obviously putting up walls was a little more important, but I had already made a commitment to 6 other people and I couldn’t let them down. I wanted to do both, and put it in God’s hands to make it happen. I was hoping I would be at my house to put up at least one of the big walls.


Saturday morning came and I prayed to God that I wouldn’t stress all day about making it to my house on time. I decided He would put me at the right places at the right time. So we did the 5K, and then I headed straight to my new neighborhood. I was trying not to stress, but was hoping and praying I could put up at least one wall with the wonderful church (First Baptist Tellico Village) sponsoring my house.


And wouldn’t you know God delivered (as He always does)! I got there at the perfect time. The volunteers were just about to put up the first wall when I arrived. Doing this was a very emotional thing. Building our future home is emotional for me anyway, but this was the first sign of an actual house!


I also wanted to savor this moment with my boys. Since they can’t be there while the construction was happening, I took the advice of Ed, one of the volunteers. I decided to have a picnic with them in our new house so they could enjoy the day, too. I think letting them see all of the different stages, and explaining to them everything that is going on in the house helps them feel like they’re a part of everything. This also helped me feel like I was taking the time to rejoice in the blessing.