Monday, April 8, 2013

These past few months have been such a whirlwind. Sometimes I wonder if I’m taking enough time to enjoy all the awesome things that are happening. In the middle of this chaotic time there has been a day I have been looking forward to. The building and putting up walls is a big day in building a house. It takes a stack of concrete and turns it into a building. I know God has been with me on this whole journey, but I cannot thank him enough for the blessing he gave me Saturday.


My schedule has been so booked lately; I didn’t even realize the walls of my house were going up the same day I planned on running (or walking, for the most part) my first 5K. Both were important to me. Obviously putting up walls was a little more important, but I had already made a commitment to 6 other people and I couldn’t let them down. I wanted to do both, and put it in God’s hands to make it happen. I was hoping I would be at my house to put up at least one of the big walls.


Saturday morning came and I prayed to God that I wouldn’t stress all day about making it to my house on time. I decided He would put me at the right places at the right time. So we did the 5K, and then I headed straight to my new neighborhood. I was trying not to stress, but was hoping and praying I could put up at least one wall with the wonderful church (First Baptist Tellico Village) sponsoring my house.


And wouldn’t you know God delivered (as He always does)! I got there at the perfect time. The volunteers were just about to put up the first wall when I arrived. Doing this was a very emotional thing. Building our future home is emotional for me anyway, but this was the first sign of an actual house!


I also wanted to savor this moment with my boys. Since they can’t be there while the construction was happening, I took the advice of Ed, one of the volunteers. I decided to have a picnic with them in our new house so they could enjoy the day, too. I think letting them see all of the different stages, and explaining to them everything that is going on in the house helps them feel like they’re a part of everything. This also helped me feel like I was taking the time to rejoice in the blessing.

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